Exhausted at the moment. We're trying Alex on another drug called Concerta instead of his normal Ritalin, and he's not reacting to it so well. He's struggling to sleep, and has been awake early all this week.
Neither Deb nor I like keeping him on the tablets he's been taking. The dose is quite high, and we're constantly worried about the short and long term effects. So Deb talked to the paediatrician about alternatives and this is what we ended up with.
I'm nervous about trying this after our experience with Stratera, and I'm aware of Concerta's reputation. But if we want things to change, we have to be willing to try new things - always a struggle where Alex is concerned,
Anyway, early feedback is not good. He's very jumpy and over-active all the time, it seems not to do too good a job at controlling his hyperactivity - which is the point of the exercise. School seem to think he's finding it harder to focus. And to cap it all his sleeping pattern is going to pot.
Sleeping is always something we've had to regulate for Alex. He has never really settled into a pattern by himself. Anything which disrupts this always has a strong impact on the rest of the family too. We're still using Melatonin to help, but Concerta seems to be reducing it's effectiveness.
So I guess he'll be back on Equasym shortly. Just in time for his statement review, which is on Monday. I'll post more about that another day. Too tired at the moment.