Quick blog. We've been told today that Alex has a place at the specialist school we wanted for him. Yippee!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Monday, March 16, 2009
Very slow day in work today.
Waiting for things to move on in the project I'm working on, but not much will happen now until tomorrow at the earliest.
Alex's statement review will go to the special needs panel on Thursday, so we're hoping for good news from that - hopefully they'll agree that he needs to move out of mainstream. That should give us the decision we need to get him into the school we want for next year. Deb has been speakin to the local authority staff, and we're hopeful. But you can never count your chickens until it's all done and dusted. Did I just mix my metaphors? I'll probably Twitter the result first - if only to encourage anyone reading to follow me on Twitter. I'm not sure I understand the whole Twitter thing as yet, but I'm trying. It might help if I had some friends :-(
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
Well narked with Virgin at the moment. They're my ISP - although potentially not for very much longer. I've been offline now for just over 2 weeks.
What seems to have happened is that they've upgraded the connection at the exchange to ADSL2. Now I can't access the internet. The router can't see the ADSL signal on the line. 4 calls now to Virgin and I'm no further forward. Each time I go through the same rigmarole, and they report it to an engineer. And it doesn't get fixed. It seems that the relevant work is contracted to Cable & Wireless, and they seem to think everything is working fine.
Well it isn't.
If they don't get it sorted soon, then I'll be looking for another ISP - particularly as Virgin weren't that good really anyway.
This was posted from my Palm using my 'phone as a dial up modem over Bluetooth. I'm suffering serious withdrawal symptoms without internet access!
On a different note, today I donated Platelets for the first time. I need to make a longer post about that another time. Giving blood is something I'm very committed too, but the process of giving platelets took a long time and was quite painful. This is going to take a bit of getting used to.