Monday, February 22, 2010

This really made me laugh:

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Alex wanted a barbecue today so...19th February and first barbecue of the year!. Freezing cold and a disposable tray, but the sausages tasted great!

Monday, February 08, 2010

Right then, here are the URL's for my little Perl blogging things:

Feedback welcome!

Friday, February 05, 2010

Psellos book 3:

"...the sea beyond the pillars of Hercules was explored..."

Long distance trade with the west? The Franks? Britain?

Tuesday, February 02, 2010


So here it is. After quite a bit of work, this is my first proper post from my Perl script for sending updates to Blogger. Needed a bit of final debugging, but hopefully it's working now. It comes in two main parts - first an object oriented module encapsulating methods to authenticate and send data to Google. This makes use of LWP::UserAgent, but isn't as hard as it sounds, once you've built up the courage to read the basics in the Google documentation online. The module also holds the basic data required - username, password, blog id that kind of thing. The second part is a user application which manages some nice things like commandline switches, config files, and specifying which text editor you want to use (or using standard input if you want).

Well, assuming it works, I'll post the source online somewhere. I'm sure the Perl is quite amateurish, but you have to start somewhere - and this is the first time in a while I've managed to finish something that's helpful to me so I guess I'm quite proud really. Even if it is just scratching an itch and not the world's most important coding project.

Now what's my next Perl project going to be?