Monday, August 14, 2006

GVIM and fonts

Tip #914 - Looking for the perfect programming font ? : vim online:
I've been struggling to get my preferred text editor GVIM set up according to my taste for ages. I'd given up basically until I found this note at the VIM homepage. I downloaded the ProggyClean font and installed it as instructed. I then recompiled VIM to use GTK2 (can't believe I was still using GTK1!) and now everything looks cleaner and is much more usable than it was. Woohoo! I'm using it to now to work on my draft for a website. This is planned to be for parents of autistic children on Wirral to share thoughts, interventions, things that have worked for them. It's still a long way from being finished. I'm currently struggling with the mechanism for adding links to content. I'll have to post more detail when I've got time.

See you soon!

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