Saturday, March 15, 2008

It's the last day before retirement for one of my bosses in my old job today - Howard. He's been such an influence on my life and career that I couldn't let the moment pass without comment.

Strangely, I didn't actually work directly to him for very long - just 6 months on a project team. But I did other bits and pieces of work for him, and got to know him personally quite well in the 5 years before I left for my current job.

I must say that I don't think he was everyone's cup of tea in the organisation. But for me he seemed to show commitment and an interest in life at the coal face unusual in senior managers (at least in my experience so far). On a personal level, his interest in and commitment to my development was astounding. He gave me opportunities to excel, and then helped me make the most of them job hunting later on. He introduced me to EFQM which, although it doesn't seem very popular within the Civil Service at the moment, is an inspired way to think of management. To me, it felt like finally being given the instruction booklet for management.

In short, he was an inspirational leader, even if he could be a little cantakerous.

On a personal level, I like to think we became fairly close to friends. He certainly changed my interest in music, with an interest in Elvis I hadn't had before - mostly through a realisation of the breadth of his work, from country to jazz to gospel, and introduced through a 5 hour car journey to Cardiff.

That's it. so long Howard. Ere's hoping I meet another manager as good soon, 'cos they don't seem to be on the horizon at the moment!

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