News number 2. I've spent most of last week off work having pulled my back. Lots of pain and most of the week spent lying flat out on the sofa. I'm still not quite sorted, but I'll have to go to work on Monday regardless - I can't afford to have any more time off.
News number 3. The storms the week before last seemed to hit the area quite badly. Quite a few houses lost tiles. Including us. To be honest, it wasn't that dramatic. We lost of load of mortar from the front gable end but no actual tiles. On the side a tile that was already a little loose came fully out. And one tile on the ridge line looked distinctly iffy, but didn't actually come away. Anyway, 'phoned the insurance company and they'll cover the cost but we had to arrange for the work to be done. After much asking around for a firm with a good reputation (and after having number turn us down because they were too busy) we got a quote - and then they turned up suddenly on Saturday. They went straight up the roof and pulled the first three ridge tiles off. Must have been loose anyway... Still, it's all sorted now.
News number 4. I've mentioned before that we were trying Alex on a new drug called Strattera. Well it's been a complete disaster. I'll make a separate post about this to make it easier for any other parents out there to find our experience. Needless to say he's now off the drug but it's knocked him off target a little in school.
So plenty going on in the Harrison household.
Oh, and Jessica and me finished Lego Star Wars. Very cool.