Right, well blogging with my Palm is working again (I'm writing this in work now!). I now have a choice of blogging applications - Plogit which I've been using for a while, and Vagablog (which was recommended by Blogger's help site). For both, to make them work, I just had to change the server they accessed from www.blogger.com to www2.blogger.com. Strangely enough that made things 'just work'. So now I have a choice of apps for blogging from my Palm.
Been getting involved in another computer game. This one's called OpenTTD and is clone of Transport Tycoon Deluxe. It's a strategy game where you have to build a transport empire. Alex loves it because you can build train and road networks delivering passengers and freight. He thinks it's marvellous. Problem is, it's been taking quite a while to play, and Alex (and me if I'm honest) have been getting a bit obsessed with it. I think it's narking Deb off (understandably). I've got it working on Ubuntu Linux with sound, and FreeBSD without sound (I think it's a problem with playing midi files, but to be honest I'm not that bothered).
Not much done over the weekend. Removed most of a small Eucalyptus tree in the garden which was getting a bit over sized - and found that it has probably damaged the garden wall to the point where it's only the ivy which is holding it up. Ordered a new ipod for Deb, she's been very impressed with my 4gig 2nd generation Nano, so I'm treating her to one to fill with all her 80's rubbish :-). Cooked a nice fish noodle soup on Saturday from the Wagamama cookbook (cod - supposed to be 'sea bass' - marinated in mirin, fish sauce, and soy).
I'm pondering getting more involved in a local autism charity, Merseyside Autistic Children's Society or MACS which, despite the name, is largely Wirral based. Thinking I could some electronic communications stuff with them - run maybe a website and email newsletter etc. This could give reality to my long dormant 'website project'.
And I don't have any particular thougts on the Virginia Tech shootings - other than being amazed that a US pundit thought the problem was that the students hadn't been armed - and that if they had been the problem could have been averted (ie. They would have shot the killer before he killed anyone). To quote a film "Thank you for that fascinating insight into our cultural differences".