Well, what a 48 hours! I am currently sitting on the train travelling back from London to Liverpool. Yesterday I was at a very intense interview day for a development and mentoring programme (probably more trouble than it's worth in terms of what the programme offers, but good practice to keep my interview skills up to scratch).
I spent the evening with my sister Katie, and then today visited the Byzantium exhibition at the Royal Academy. This is something I've been wanting to see since I first saw it advertised last year. I still can't quite believe that I've managed to see it.
Thoughts on the exhibition? I was impressed by the sheer quality of the smaller pieces - enamels and miniatures. There was an ivory plaque of Christ Pantokrator from the 10th century I've not seen a picture of which was very impressive. For the items I had seen in books, they were far more impressive in reality than a photograph can convey. Well worth the visit. I was surprised that the icons which most impressed me were the very late ones by Akotantos (unusual because the artist signed the work). Very strong emotionally. I treated myself to the catalogue mostly to remind me what I saw.
Katie was incredibly generous and helpful, looking after me and making sure I got where I needed to go, although she was in work both days. Steve as gracious as ever - I walked away with a byzatine coin and a book as gifts.
Time, to go but I will blog more on my thoughts on the Byzantium exhibition when I get home, assuming I get the time.
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