Saturday, March 03, 2007

I'm trying to get back into the habit of adding entries to my blog. I hadn't added any for a while, but then was inspired by some autism info I found on the web last week. I need to add some more routine stuff. So, where are we up to?

Back to school for the kids today after February half term. Neither of them particularly keen to go. Had to promise some fun stuff when I get home to get them going - playing Gamecube with Jessica, and Microsoft Train Simulator with Alex. That'll keep me busy!

Jessica travelled with me to visit Granny and Grandad at the weekend. A much easier journey without Alex in the back. Jessica was very well behaved throughout, and really enjoyed the visit. It was a bit of a push to do it all in a weekend though - 3 hours there on Saturday and 3 hours back on Sunday.

Alex is enjoying the new train set we built for him for his birthday. It now runs on a shelf built all the way around his bedroom - with a bridge acros the doorway. His contribution to the subject of India, which they study in Year 2, will be some stuff on transport, inspired I suspect by the fact that he knows there are still a few steam trains there (such as the Darjeeling railway).

He's gone very 'stimmy' at the moment. Lots of flapping, shouting, and running around. We're not sure what it's about, but it seems to be a legacy of coming off Strattera. He doesn't seem to be particularly stressed out. It can really wind you up though when he's perpetually running around the room. Might have to ask the paediatrician about it at our next appointment (although I doubt that'll do any good...).

Jessica is progressing with her judo - although she hasn't been for a few weeks as she wasn't well before half term, and then there was no session at half term itself. She's very into Mario Kart at the moment. She also managed to read an omnibus of Horrid Henry in a weekend - they're some of her favourite stories.

I'm going to sign off now, but will add some more to the blog as soon as I get the chance.

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