Sunday, March 25, 2007

So it's been a while since my last entry. I've had some problems with my blogging software since blogger changed their API. The software on my Palm continued to work, but neither Performancing nor Deepest Sender (they're addons for the Firefox web browser) would work. Luckily, Performancing has been reinvented as Scriptfire, so I back in business.

The big news is that I started my new job on Monday, on promotion. It's based in central Liverpool, and therefore involves a little more travelling - although it's basically just a couple of extra stops on the bus. It's a completely different organisation, so I've spent the first few days just trying to learn a little about what they do and how they're set up.

I'd expected the job to include bits of project and implementation work, but I've spoken to my new boss now. From what she says, it's going to be more planning and forecasting. That's a bit of a disappointment - especially since it seems I've basically taken on the job she's just left, and she seems to be a little protective of what she left behind. This could make things interesting later. I guess we just need to get to know each other.

It's also taking a little while for me to find out exactly what I'm responsible for. Maybe it's me, I'm finding it difficult to settle in and find out what I'm actually responsible for. At the moment, I feel a little bored and listless. I want to be proactive and start taking things on, but I don't feel like I'm in a position to.

Oh well, I'm sure things will get better. And at least if the job isn't going so well, then it isn't going well on HEO money etc..

Well that's all a bit gloomy I'm afraid. Must make sure I post again soon when I'm sure things will be looking up.

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