Thursday, January 31, 2008

Blog entry time again. This time I'm sitting in the Caffe Nero in central Liverpool. I've nipped out of work for half an hour to have a coffee and something to eat. Caffe Nero is definitely one of my vices now - particularly as there's one right next to the bus stop where I wait for the bus home. The temptation of a latte on the way is something I have to resist, if only because it's so darned expensive.

Anyway, back in the office today after my adventures finding wireless hotspots in Manchester Airport yesterday. I posted the last blog entry drinking tea in the waiting room of the railway station. Here in Liverpool we seemingly have BT Openzone but nothing I can connect to for free. Looks like I'll be setting up a BT Openzone account then. It'll have to be for the fun of it though as I can't afford to be on it all the time. Perhaps just to post the occasional blog entry or pick up email. As it is, this entry will have to wait to be posted until I get home.

Work is work. My boss assures me that there is an interesting job waiting for me in April when I move into the regional structure, but at the moment I just don't have enough to do - and that makes me rattle the bars of the cage a bit and fret. I've just applied or a project job on TP to SEO. Great experience if I can get it, but I doubt I stand a chance really. At the least, the application process provoked a (hopefully) honest conversation with my boss about where I'm at. We'll see.

Time to go back to work :-(

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